Bachelor of Public Administration Online

Qualify for higher roles in state, local, or nonprofit agencies when you strengthen your knowledge of how government actions affect change across industries.

Apply by: 2/18/25
Start class: 3/4/25
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Program Overview

Grow your career options with the online bachelor’s degree in public administration

Develop a comprehensive understanding of bureaucratic organizations. The Bachelor of Public Administration program at Texas State University is the only 100% online program of its kind in Texas. Learn how to implement and evaluate public policy with curriculum that focuses on political institutions, public policy processes, public service, and both public and nonprofit administration. Customize your learning experience by choosing the internship and electives that fit your goals.

Strengthen your industry knowledge and apply new skills immediately in your current role with career-focused curriculum. Take advantage of support from our expert faculty who are dedicated to preparing you for career progression in public administration. The flexibility of online courses is ideal for busy professionals.

As a student of this public administration bachelor’s online program, you will learn how to:

  • Implement policy and protocol
  • Project budgets and increase cost efficiency
  • Coordinate regulations compliance
  • Manage crisis situations
  • Use knowledge of ethical issues to make public administration decisions
  • Navigate key public administration and management concepts by means of an internship experience or applied research project
  • Lead media and public relations campaigns
  • Implement policy and protocol
  • Project budgets and increase cost efficiency
  • Coordinate regulations compliance
  • Manage crisis situations
  • Use knowledge of ethical issues to make public administration decisions
  • Navigate key public administration and management concepts by means of an internship experience or applied research project
  • Lead media and public relations campaigns

Also available:

We offer a variety of student-centered online degrees that can help you advance. Explore other undergraduate programs.

Per credit hour $404*
Transfer Credits Up to 90
Credit Hours 120
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Invest in your education—our affordable tuition makes it possible

Tuition for the Bachelor of Public Administration online degree is affordable and paid by the course, so you can achieve your academic goals while remaining within your budget.

Tuition breakdown

Per Course $1,212
Per Credit Hour $404*

Transfer your credits for lower tuition

Use our Tuition Estimator to see how affordable your degree could be. Slide the notch to the number of credits you've already earned—which may qualify for transfer credit—to get an estimate of what your degree might cost.

Transfer Credits: 0
Your Estimated Tuition: $Your Estimated Tuition:
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Transcripts sent from other colleges and universities will be evaluated, and accepted credits will be added to the student's Texas State record. The Tuition Estimator is not a guarantee or predictor of the number of credit hours that will be accepted.

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toward earning your degree?

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Chart your academic timeline with these key dates

The Texas State public administration bachelor’s degree is delivered in a convenient online learning format that offers maximum flexibility for working adults like you. Choose the start date that fits your goals.

TermStart DateApp DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlineTuition DeadlineClass End DateTerm Length
Spring 1 20251/13/2512/30/241/6/251/13/251/13/253/3/258 weeks
Spring 2 20253/4/252/18/252/25/253/4/253/4/255/7/258 weeks
Summer 5WA 20255/27/255/13/255/20/255/27/255/27/256/27/255 weeks
Summer 5WB 2025 6/30/256/16/256/23/256/30/256/30/258/1/255 weeks
Fall 1 20258/25/258/15/258/20/258/25/258/25/2510/13/258 weeks
Fall 2 202510/14/259/30/2510/7/2510/14/2510/14/2512/12/258 weeks

Now Enrolling

Apply by 2/18/25
Start Class 3/4/25


Find out what you need to get into the public administration bachelor’s program

Apply to the online Bachelor of Public Administration program quickly and easily with our streamlined admission process. Review the admission requirements below and take the next step toward your professional goals.

To be eligible to earn your Bachelor of Public Administration online from Texas State University, you must:

  • Submit a completed application and all supporting documents—including official transcripts from your high school and any postsecondary institutions attended—to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by the stated document deadline
  • Pay the nonrefundable application fee of $75 ($90 for international*)
  • Be eligible to re-enter all colleges and/or universities previously attended

High school graduates who plan to attend Texas State the semester after high school graduation (not including summer sessions) regardless of how many dual credit or transferable college credits earned, are considered an entering freshman.

Freshmen must do the following to qualify for admission to Texas State University:

  • Receive a diploma from an accredited high school
    • We recommend students complete the following curriculum:
      • 4 credits of English, 4 credits of mathematics, 4 credits of science, 3 credits of social studies and 2 credits of a language other than English
  • ACT and SAT test scores are not required for applicants ranked in the top 75% of their graduating class.
  • Applicants who do not meet assured admission , or do not submit test scores, will be reviewed holistically. All students ranked in the fourth quartile of their class must submit scores that meet assured admission standards for admission.
  • Submit your high school transcripts by mail or via Parchment, Naviance, National Student Clearinghouse.

Transfer students must meet these requirements:

  • 14 or fewer credit hours: minimum 2.0 GPA in all transferable course work plus meet freshman admission standards
  • 15-29 credit hours: minimum 2.5 GPA in all transferable course work
  • 30 or more credit hours: minimum 2.25 GPA in all transferable course work
  • Be at least one full semester out of high school and eligible to return to all postsecondary institutions previously attended

Transcripts may be sent electronically to [email protected] or mailed to:

TXST One Stop
Texas State University – Undergraduate Admissions
601 University Dr.
San Marcos, TX 78666

*Texas State defines an international student as anyone who is in a non-immigrant visa status, including H-1B visa holders. If you are not a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or asylee, you would be classified as an international student and should complete the international application for admission.

Admission Requirements

  • High school diploma
  • Online application
  • Official transcripts


Check out our robust and relevant public admin bachelor’s curriculum

To graduate from the online degree in public administration program, you must complete a total of 120 credit hours, including 42 credit hours of general education courses, 21 credit hours of core courses, and 15 credit hours of electives. Additional required elective credit hours are selected with an advisor as needed to meet university graduation requirements.

Students must take 42 credit hours of general education courses to meet the degree plan requirements.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the fundamental political institutions and values of American democracy. The role of public service as it relates to government and nonprofit administration is emphasized.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of public and nonprofit administration including the context, nature, and structure of public and nonprofit administration in America; management of public organizations; and challenges of the future.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces the laws, context, procedures, personnel structures, techniques, and challenges associated with managing personnel in government and nonprofit organizations. Emphases will be placed on strategic planning for human resources, position classification, selection, recruitment, compensation and benefits, training, performance appraisal, collective bargaining and other aspects of personnel management.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces students to fiscal administration and budgeting at different levels of government and nonprofit organizations in the United States. The course includes a wide range of theoretical and applied aspects of fiscal policy and financial administration. Both expenditures and revenues are examined.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces quantitative analytical methods and fundamental statistics ranging from descriptive to inferential procedures. Emphases will be placed on appropriate analytical techniques, use of software for data analysis, interpretation of results and crafting of professional reports based on data analysis.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the theories, processes and practices of public policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Emphasis may vary and include but not be limited to environment and sustainability issues, energy, social and economic policies.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides students with meaningful work in public administration as interns in public or nonprofit organizations. Under faculty supervision, students complete 150 hours of service and conclude their internship by completing a report on their work experience. 

The list of electives provided is not exhaustive and is subject to change. New courses may be added as additional programs launch or as student demand increases. Students are advised to work with an academic advisor to select and schedule their elective courses according to their degree plan and availability.

Choose five of the following courses: 

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines state and local government structure, organization, functions, powers and processes. The role of American and Texas state and local government institutions in the formulation and implementation of public policy will be covered. Corequisite: PA 3301 with a grade of "D" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the political institutions and processes of urban and suburban America. Key contemporary metropolitan policy issues are used to highlight underlying tensions in policy formation and implementation. This course emphasizes the unique problems of cities and major metropolitan areas.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course surveys the field of Public Administration emphasizing aspects of administration and public policy systems in the US and compares them with administration and public policy systems of other countries. Corequisite: PA 3301 with a grade of "D" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides a critical introduction to the key aspects of regional and urban management and policy. Students will study how urban administration practices and regional policies influence the form and function of American cities. Corequisite: PA 3301 with a grade of "D" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines contemporary legal issues and their relationship to public policy. Emphasis may include environmental protection, sustainability, climate change, voting rights, capital punishment, gun rights, and electronic challenges to privacy rights from the perspective of bureaucratic functions and non-profits. Corequisite: PA 3301 with a grade of "D" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the participation of Latinos in US politics. Both formal political participation in electoral politics and involvement in grassroots and social movements are considered. While all Latino groups will be considered, the course has a special emphasis on the Mexican/Chicano experience in Texas and the Southwest. Corequisite: PS 3300 or PS 3301 either with a grade of "D" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the rule making, adjudication, and enforcement powers of federal and state agencies. The course also examines statutes that confer authority on such agencies and challenges to their constitutionality, as well as the principles that the courts employ to scrutinize agency actions.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the role of American business in public policy. It examines how the public, private and nonprofit sectors interact in the policy process. This includes ways in which policy and politics shape business and nonprofit culture and how businesses and nonprofits influence policy implementation through contracting. Corequisite: PA 3301 with a grade of "D" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines key ethical and cultural challenges in public service, including service in government and in nonprofit and voluntary organizations. Content includes but is not limited to ethical theory and analysis, and examination of ethical issues in areas such as healthcare, privacy, accountability, education, research, planning, elections, and policy. Corequisite: PA 3301 with a grade of "D" or better.

In consultation with an advisor, students must select a minor, which will range between 18-24 credit hours.

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