Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Online

Help meet the demand for degree-prepared nurses while positioning yourself for greater opportunities and responsibilities in the healthcare field.

Apply by: 2/18/25
Start class: 3/4/25
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Program Overview

Move ahead with Texas State’s accelerated RN to BSN online program

Advance your nursing career with Texas State University's online Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Acquire advanced nursing knowledge and skills in leadership, evidence-based practice, and population health, and prepare for a wider range of opportunities. Benefit from Texas State's long history of excellence in nursing education and join a strong alumni network.

Develop the expertise to oversee patient care, manage teams, and ensure quality standards as you prepare for leadership positions such as nurse manager, supervisor, or charge nurse. Boost your credentials in this CCNE-accredited online RN to BSN program to become a stronger candidate for specialized nursing fields like critical care, pediatrics, oncology, or emergency room nursing. With the solid foundation you will build, you can also pursue further education to become a nurse educator or researcher.

As a student of this accredited online RN to BSN program, you will learn to:

  • Integrate knowledge from the liberal arts and sciences into professional nursing practice
  • Apply leadership concepts and decision-making in patient care, healthcare team coordination, and care delivery oversight
  • Utilize research evidence, clinical judgment, and patient preferences to plan, implement, and evaluate patient care
  • Integrate technology and information systems effectively and ethically to deliver safe nursing care
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors that align with the nursing code of ethics
  • ​Engage in self-reflection and lifelong learning to maintain competence and adapt to evolving healthcare practices
  • Integrate knowledge from the liberal arts and sciences into professional nursing practice
  • Apply leadership concepts and decision-making in patient care, healthcare team coordination, and care delivery oversight
  • Utilize research evidence, clinical judgment, and patient preferences to plan, implement, and evaluate patient care
  • Integrate technology and information systems effectively and ethically to deliver safe nursing care
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors that align with the nursing code of ethics
  • ​Engage in self-reflection and lifelong learning to maintain competence and adapt to evolving healthcare practices

Also available:

We offer a variety of student-centered online degrees that can help you advance. Explore other healthcare programs.

Total Tuition $12,120*
Duration As few as 10 months
Credit Hours 30


The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and the master's degree programs in nursing at Texas State University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

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Stay on budget with affordable tuition

Tuition for the RN to BSN online degree program is affordable and paid by the course, so you can achieve your academic goals while remaining within your budget.

Tuition breakdown

Total Tuition $12,120*
Per Credit Hour $404

Ready to take the next step
toward earning your degree?

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Dates and deadlines to keep in mind

The Texas State Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing is delivered in a convenient online learning format that offers maximum flexibility for working adults like you. Choose the start date that fits your goals.

TermStart DateApp DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlineTuition DeadlineClass End DateTerm Length
Spring 1 20251/13/2512/30/241/6/251/13/251/13/253/3/258 weeks
Spring 2 20253/4/252/18/252/25/253/4/253/4/255/7/258 weeks
Summer 8W 20255/27/255/13/255/20/255/27/255/27/257/18/258 weeks
Fall 1 20258/25/258/15/258/20/258/25/258/25/2510/13/258 weeks
Fall 2 202510/14/259/30/2510/7/2510/14/2510/14/2512/12/258 weeks

Now Enrolling

Next Apply Date 2/18/25
Start Class 3/4/25


Your guide for admission to the online RN to BSN program

Review the admission requirements below and take the next step toward your professional goals.

To be eligible to earn your RN to BSN online from Texas State University, you must have the following:

  • Complete an online application
  • Pay the nonrefundable application fee of $75 ($90 for international*)
  • Proof of valid, unencumbered registered nurse (RN) license in the state of residency
    • Students enrolled in their graduating semester of a state-approved associate degree program may be conditionally accepted and are able to take courses during the semester following graduation while completing RN licensure requirements. Proof of pending graduation required.
    • Graduates from a state-approved associate degree RN program may be conditionally accepted and are able to take courses in the semester following graduation while completing RN licensure requirements
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Official transcripts
  • Students who earned an Associate in Applied Science major in Nursing degree (ADN) from a regionally accredited community college will be awarded 30 semester credit hours of nursing course work toward the BSN online completion

Transcripts may be sent electronically to [email protected] or mailed to:

TXST One Stop
Texas State University – Undergraduate Admissions
601 University Dr.
San Marcos, TX 78666

*Texas State defines an international student as anyone who is in a non-immigrant visa status, including H-1B visa holders. If you are not a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or asylee, you would be classified as an international student and should complete the international application for admission.

Admission Requirements

  • Online application
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Current unencumbered R.N. license


Learn more about the RN to BSN online courses

To graduate from this Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing online degree program, a total of 120 credit hours are required to complete this BSN degree.

The RN to BSN online coursework consists of 12 core RN to BSN courses (30 hours). You must also complete the BSN program required support courses (18 hours) and will receive credit for your nursing license (30 hours). Credit for your nursing license will be applied to your transcript upon submission of the intent to graduate form in your final semester.

The remaining general education core curriculum is comprised of 42 credit hours of general education courses. General education requirements may be transferred in, based on a transcript review and individual advising. General education courses needed may be completed online and concurrently with the nursing courses.

The site-based project hours must be done in a state in which Texas State has State Operating Authority. Please consult with your state of residence to ensure eligibility.

Students who earned an Associate in Applied Science Nursing degree (A.D.N.) from a regionally accredited community college will be awarded 30 semester credit hours toward the B.S.N. online completion. 

The RN to BSN online coursework consists of 12 core courses (30 hours): 

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This didactic course focuses on role responsibility and accountability for transition into baccalaureate nursing practice. Emphasis is given to core professional standards and ethical values fundamental to nursing. Principles of professional communication, critical thinking, and role socialization will be integrated within an organizational context for professional growth. (WI).
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Introduction and overview of pathology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, including how major drugs are used therapeutically for age-specific clients. Other topics to be covered include drug laws and regulations, patient and nurse safety.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
Conducting health histories and physical assessments of well individuals and developing nursing care plans that include patient age-specific health promotion, illness prevention, and risk factors will be emphasized. Assessments will encompass cultural domains, diversity, belief systems, and the implications for traditional as well as complementary and alternative healthcare.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 1
This course requires demonstrated competency in the performance and documentation of physical assessments of well individuals and nursing care plans using the nursing process, critical thinking, and evidence-based practice. Apply teaching/learning principles in meeting the education needs of patients and demonstrate measures to maintain confidentiality of personal health information.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to critical appraisal of qualitative and quantitative research, and application of research and evidence-based processes used to improve decision-making and patient care outcomes across health settings. Integration of theory, information systems, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives and analysis of ethical conduct provide a foundation for learning the research process. (WI).
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This course explores the baccalaureate prepared nurse’s role informing the public policy process. Nursing jurisprudence, principles of nursing ethics, patient safety advocacy, standards and scope of nursing practice, professional boundaries, nursing peer review, and whistleblower protections are emphasized to prepare students to influence the U.S. Health Care System and society.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course explores concepts of Community-Oriented Nursing Practice with an emphasis on using the nursing process to assess the health of communities and diverse populations. Public Health Nursing Practice and Community-Based Nursing Practice are discussed with an emphasis on health promotion and the prevention of disability and disease.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
Clinical experiences will expose students to a variety of community and public health environments, health programs and policies in order to learn how nursing care is delivered to populations in community settings.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
Access and barriers to healthcare, past and current healthcare policy, and the professional nurse's role in policy and delivery of healthcare, will be emphasized. Qualitative and quantitative research in relation to healthcare systems, evidence based nursing practice, and ethical topics will be discussed.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course emphasizes the professional nurses’ role in application of evidence based quality improvement and risk reduction strategies that promote safe environments while maximizing resources and opportunities for positive patient outcomes. Participation in highly effective Interprofessional teams is emphasized with concepts applied to local, national and international health issues.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Students discuss leadership and management theories related to organizational nursing roles, including competencies required for complex change, performance improvement, and transformational leadership. Organizational contexts, structure, processes, and culture, in leading and directing patient centered care are examined, along with relationships between governance structures, practice environments, and positive patient outcomes. (WI).
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This course emphasizes nursing informatics and technology used in healthcare settings to research, support and implement safe quality patient care. Nursing administrative applications, pre-care and care support, electronic health records, clinical information systems, telehealth, informatics promoting community and consumer health, HIPAA, and technology to enhance collaboration in healthcare are covered.

General education requirements may be transferred in, based on a transcript review and individual advising. General education courses needed may be completed online and concurrently with the nursing courses. 

Students must complete 42 hours of general education core curriculum requirements including the following major-specific core or field of study courses:

  • PSY 1300 or SOCI 1310 (3 hours)
  • MATH 1315, 1319, or 1329 Mathematics Component Code 020 (3 hours)
  • Communication Component Code 010 (6 hours)
  • American History Component Code 060 (6 hours)
  • Language, Philosophy, and Culture Component Code 40 (3 hours)
  • BIO 1330 Life and Physical Sciences Component Code 030 (3 hours)
  • Government Political Science Code 070 (6 hours)
  • Creative Arts Component Code 050 (3 hours)
  • Component Area Option (6 hours)

Specific information on Component Codes can be found here.

Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of the major principles derived from research on human and animal behavior. Topics studied include learning, thinking, motivation, emotion, personality, the senses, perception, and the form and functions of the nervous system. PSY 1300 with a grade of "C" or better is required for most other Psychology courses.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of the basic concepts in sociology including social organization, culture, socialization, groups, and human population leading to the development of a sociological perspective of human behavior. SOCI 1310 and SOCI 3300 may not both be counted for credit.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Course topics include linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, functions, exponentials and logarithms, systems of equations using matrices, applications, and other college algebra topics as time permits. Prerequisite: College Readiness in Mathematics according to the TSI regulations.

Students must complete 18 hours of support coursework as listed below:

  • BIO 2400 or BIO 2440
  • BIO 2451
  • BIO 2452 
  • NUTR 2360
  • PSY 3300 or HDFS 1351
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Principles of microbiology, morphology, anatomy, physiology and taxonomy of representative groups of non-pathogenic organisms. Laboratory methods stress studies of pure cultures, the use of laboratory apparatus in quantitative determinations and the detection and identification of microbial populations in the environment. Prerequisites: BIO 1130 and BIO 1131 and BIO 1330 and BIO 1331 and CHEM 1341 all with grades of “C” or better
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
The Basic Principles of microbiology, morphology, physiology, immunology and the relationship of microorganisms to diseases. This course is designed primarily to meet the requirements for students in allied health sciences and other programs requiring only one semester of microbiology. This course may not be credited toward a biology major or minor. Prerequisites: BIO 1330 and CHEM 1341 both with grades of "D" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
Part I of a two semester course on the structure and function of the human body. Designed specifically to prepare students for nursing and other health professions. Prerequisites: BIO 1330 and CHEM 1341 both with grades of “C” or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 4
This course is the second part of a two semester course on the structure and function of the human body designed specifically to prepare students for nursing and other health professions. Prerequisites: BIO 1330 and BIO 2451 and CHEM 1341 all with grades of “C” or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The science of human nutrition with emphasis on nutrient digestion, absorption, and excretion; nutrient metabolism, requirements, and sources. Prerequisite: BIO 1330 or CHEM 1341 with a grade of "C" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Survey of the psychology of human development from the pre-natal period through adulthood. Emphasis placed on cognitive, motivational, and physiological processes of development in childhood and adolescence. Prerequisite: PSY 1300 with a grade of "C" or better.
Duration: 8 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course focuses on developmental principles underlying behavior as experienced in physical, intellectual, emotional and social changes across the lifespan. Emphasis is on adult development.

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